Wednesday, July 15, 2009


"Women always worry about the things that men forget; men always worry about the things that women remember." Anonymous.

I agree because men don't care to be affectionate and think about important things. In the other hand, women are very details and affectionate; we usually remember every detail.

One example of my family was maybe... 5 years ago when my brother's birthday was close and in that moment my father was traveling. He would be at home for my brother's birthday so, my mother and I were worry about what surprise or gift my father will give to my brother?. Finally, the day of my brother's birthday came and my father forgot to congratulate to my brother. He just said the next day, "I don't have good memory, I forget your birthday but here's your gift."

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Dove and the Ant

Once upon a time there was an ant that compelled by thirst, it went down a lake, and dragged by the current, it was near-drowning. Seeing a dove in this emergency to the ant, the dove removed a twig from a tree and threw it towards the stream, put the ant on the twig saving. Meanwhile, a hunter of birds was ahead with his gun ready to hunt the dove. The ant saw him and stung him in the heel, then the hunter dropped his gun. The dove took the time to take flight.

Moral: We must always be grateful.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Advice: "Dating"

The person's problem is that he likes a girl who has a boyfriend. He knows her boyfriend because he plays with him in the same team. The great problem is that the girl asked him if he would go out with her. Afterward he asked her about her relationship and she said that she wasn't sure about her relationship, so he don't know if she is serious. Then he asked to Mrs. Web what should he do? 

Mrs. Web gave him the advice that he would need to talk with her about she really feels, and also say her if she want to go out with him she can't go out with no one else. TELL HER TO MAKE UP HER MIND.

He should talk with her about her feelings because is better if she decides what she wants and with who she would want to be. In addition, she feels happy if she won't play with both.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

G A D G E T S !!!

The technology is in this moment one of the most important things around the world. First of all, I would like to buy a professional camera because I love photography. After that, I would want to do photography course to know how to combine photography with architecture. Second, I would like to change my "macbook" for a new edition of "macbook pro" because it has a new operating system, best video card and faster processor. Third, I would like to buy an "Iphone" because I like the applications. In addition, it has different functions just in one. All these gadgets you can buy in apple stores or online in I love MAC.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pug Dogs

If I could choose any animal in the world as a pet, I would choose a dog.  In particular breed pug because this kind of dog is very small and smart. In addition, it is confident, gentle and friendly. The dog is a good friend to the human. You won't feel alone in hard times if you have a dog because your dog will always be with you. In contrast, the dog has many problems. The dog is dependet so when its owner leave it alone, almost always it feel depressed and sad. In conclusion, the dog is the best option for me to have as a pet. 

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What would I like to do?

If I won the lottery. First of all, I'd like travel around the world, and stay in famous hotels. In this moment I have the opportunity to enjoy and know different places. Second, I'd have a design and construction company. After that, I'll built my own house and many houses villages around my country. Third, I'd buy a car and safe some money to continue with my studies. Finally, I'd help to my family and friends. In conclusion, I'd like spend the money in many things that I'll wish.