Wednesday, June 17, 2009

G A D G E T S !!!

The technology is in this moment one of the most important things around the world. First of all, I would like to buy a professional camera because I love photography. After that, I would want to do photography course to know how to combine photography with architecture. Second, I would like to change my "macbook" for a new edition of "macbook pro" because it has a new operating system, best video card and faster processor. Third, I would like to buy an "Iphone" because I like the applications. In addition, it has different functions just in one. All these gadgets you can buy in apple stores or online in I love MAC.


  1. You should go to the Apple store at Market Mall - but be careful not to spend too much money!

  2. lol .. Thks Jeff.. I'll take your advice. I was looking for a "MACBBOK PRO" at Market Mall but is more cheap at UofC store because the prizes for the students has a disscount.

  3. I have macbook pro! hahaha You zellers me!

  4. yeah i like what y wrote but it's exspinsive littel bit yeah
